Beach Market Rental

The Historical Beach Market is now available for community residents and organizations to lease for events. Do you have a family gathering, group event, or business outing, that you would like to host at Beach Street Market? Please check availability and complete the application below to secure your spot! There is plenty of parking, restrooms, and easy access to the facility for your guests.

Rental rates will be by weekend or weekdays.

  • 9:00am – 11:00pm Weekdays: $200 regular rate, $100 non-profit or community organization.
  • 9:00am – 11:00pm Weekend: $300 regular rate, $250 non-profit or community organization.

A Credit Card needs to be on file prior to the event. The card will only be charged after the event if damages occur, cleaning services is needed or trash service is needed. All charges will be communicated to the renter.

Download Beach Market Rental Contract