Member Benefits
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Networking opportunities:
- Annual Dinner
- Member to Member Events
- Forums and Seminars
- Complimentary SBAM Membership
Advertising Opportunities:
- Joint advertising promotions, and sponsorship through our quarterly Business After Hours
- Receive our monthly & weekly electronic newsletter, Business Blast which has advertising opportunities and is received by over 300 businesses
- Community advertising program available with TV, billboard, and print.
- ALL businesses are printed in local paper as Chamber member at least once per year at no charge.
- Bold Listings in the CRG Phone Book
- All memberships include a business listing on our Chamber Web Portal with options to upgrade advertising options and links.
Insurance Programs Available:
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
[/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”one_half_last_clear”]Business Opportunities:
- Business referral from phone, fax, mail inquiries (Always Members First)
- Ribbon Cuttings and First Dollar Awards available to new businesses
- Participant in Chamber Gift Certificates Program (Keeps our Money Local, more than $40,000 sold in previous 12 months).
- CAN DO! Participants (Charlotte Area Networking for Development & Opportunity) Participant
- Access to the Chamber mailing list
Exclusive Member Discounts:
- Auto Owners, discounts Available from: Charlotte Insurance and Russell & Schrader Insurance
- Discounted fee or free workshops and seminars.
Web Portal Benefits:
- Post Member-to-Member Discounts
- Submit Events to Community Calendar
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The members of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce are proud to promote community pride and economic growth as well as encouraging awareness in the community.
We invite you to JOIN THE CHARLOTTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Your colleagues and customers recognize that you support the community in many ways when you belong to the Chamber. For further information on membership or events, please contact our office staff at 517-543-0400 or email us through our contact form.